- Parents / Guardians will be bound by the school rules in all respects which may be changed from time to time. In all matters of dispute the decision of the Principal will be final and binding on the Parents / Guardians.
- Full School Uniform is must for a student to enter the school campus.
- Parents should send their wards (s) to school or to the bus stoppage in proper time. They should also collect their wards (s) from the school as per the timings laid by the school. The school will not be held responsible after the final disposal from the school gate.
- Parents are expected not to enter the school to consult the teacher during school hours. However, they can meet the Principal / In charge or the teacher on prior appointment or on parents – teacher meet.

- The Principal is fully empowered to remove a student from the school if in his / her opinion the student has failed to accept the discipline of school and his / her continued presence is detrimental of the interest of other students of the school / the student fails to come up to the academic standard of his / her class / when detention in the same class would make him / her too old for his / her class.
- The Parents / Guardians will not hold the school indemnified against all claims arising through illness, accident or any other causes.
- Absence without leave will be viewed seriously. A letter must be sent by the parent and also a note made in diary specifying reason thereof. A minimum of 75% attendance is required for promotion to the next class. Leave of absence will be granted, only in case of serious illness or death of a near relative or the marriage of own sister or brother. No extension in this regard will be permitted.
- It is the parents’ responsibility to see that all fees dues to the school must be cleared by the 10th of every month, failing which a late fine will be charged at the rate of Rs. 10 per fortnight. The name will be struck of the rolls if dues are not cleared by the end of two months. Students will not be allowed to appear at the examination unless all dues are cleared.
- There will be no concession in fee during the holidays or vacations.
- The Parents / Guardians will authorize the Principal to take necessary action on their behalf in case of any emergency or any such condition where their permission is needed but cannot be obtained in time.
- No articles, other than permitted by the school authorities should be brought to school. The school does not hold any responsibility for loss of any such articles or valuables, mobile phones. I – pods, digital cameras or any other such devices otherwise not mentioned must be brought to school, If found it will be seized and will not be returned.
- The Parents / Guardians will agree that in the event of their child being withdrawn during the course of the year, whatever the reason, the full fees laid down by the school of that month will be paid by them.
- School will remain closed n 2nd Saturday of every month. However, office will remain open as per daily schedule except on Sundays / holidays.